Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Well, what a JOY it is to finally announce that Christian is now officially and formally approved for transplant and ON THE LIST for a new kidney!

What an unbelievable feeling this is for our family. Certainly this is the beginning of a new phase for Christian and us and we know it comes with it's own new set of problems and issues, but man it sure is hard to hold down the euphoria around the Billingsley household right now.

At this point there are two options: 1) We are on the list for a donated cadaver kidney, or 2) We are approved for a "Living Unrelated" donor kidney.

Please keep Christian in your prayers that a potential living donor emerges. There are several benefits to a living unrelated donor, and in this day and age we are seeing miracles happen all over the place along these lines.

FYI, there are 3 criteria for a "Living Unrelated" donor:

1- They must not be related to our immediate family (due to the suspected genetic origin of his disease),

2- They must be type B or O blood, either positive or negative,

3- They must be in general good health (no high blood pressure, other risks, etc)

I told Christian he wants BO but I don't think he got the joke at first. Heh, anyway, we'll have several more announcements in the coming weeks, but please begin to pass the word around.

Check back soon for more info! Thanks!

Kiki's Dad